
When we naturally tear or cry, the tears drain into drainage tubes in the inner aspect of the upper and lower eyelids. The tears then exit the tubes in the nose and from the nose into the throat. This explains why we can taste the salt in the tears when we tear excessively or cry. Canaliculitis is an inflammation of one or more of these small tear drainage tubes.

Generally, these uncommon chronic infections manifest in one eye and affect the lower drainage canal more often than the top canal. This condition frequently exists in combination with a common inflammation of the eye, conjunctivitis. Patients with this condition complain of a mildly irritated and red eye with a slight discharge. The opening to the canal, the punctum, will usually spout a thick mucus-like material either visibly or when expressed with massage.

Treatment of this condition depends on severity. However, treatment usually involves removing any obstruction that may exist in the drainage canal by in-office probing and/or irritation, frequent massage to express debris and generally, drops to eliminate the underlying infection.

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